6U Minimites

The Mini-Mite program is a developmental program. In this program, kids learn to skate or improve their existing skating abilities as well as learn the fundamentals of hockey in a fun environment. We aim to have a low skater to coach ratio to help with the development of these skills. The first half of the season is devoted exclusively to practice, with an emphasis on skating. In the second half of the season, game play vs. other developmental teams is introduced, in addition to practice.

The Mini Mites play in the Kips Bay Cup League vs other local NY schools and organizations. 

Birth Year: 2019-2021

Season: November thru Mid March

Practices: Approximately 16 practices

o Sundays 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM @ Kips Bay Ice Rink (Bronx)

Games: Approx 8 games will be played Sunday Mornings (plus playoffs if applicable)


Season Schedule

Schedule of practices, games, and events is published on TeamSnap. Click link to view. We strongly recommend downloading the TeamSnap mobile app. 



Minimites News & Notes